Is praying each day important to you? Do you want to grow closer to God through prayer? BUT… do you also find yourself forgetting to pray, struggling with what to say, or just repeating the same things over and over?
If so, you’re about to discover a unique framework that will transform your prayer life!
It’s called your daily T.A.L.K with God, and once you start using it, you’ll find yourself looking forward to praying each day. On top of that, your prayers will become much more organized and fulfilling.
NOTE: If you want to improve your prayer life starting TODAY, we suggest you check out our best-selling Faith 365 Bucket Journal on Amazon.
When we pray each day, we are TALKING to God, whether out loud or in our heads. If you’re like most people, your daily talks with God might lack structure. They also may be repetitive. You might ask for safety and security. You might petition God for something in your life to change or go right. Or you may pray for family and friends.
Pray consistently.
Have structure to your prayers.
And avoid praying for the same things over and over.
That’s what the TALK framework does! It gives you a clear plan to consistently communicate with God. And it’s easy to remember!
Let’s dive into each element, so you can start using it TODAY.
The "T" in the T.A.L.K prayer framework stands for "Thankfulness."
When most of us pray, our natural inclination is to start out asking God for things. For that promotion at work, for the safety of friends and family, or to heal that loved one. But this neglects one of the most important roles of prayer, which is THANKING God for circumstances and situations he’s brought into our lives.
Psalm 118:1 - Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Psalm 9:1 - I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
So the first thing you should do when praying is praise God. THANK Him for the big and little things going on in your life. We recommend you pick three things each day to be thankful for. Maybe it’s that beautiful sunrise, or the first sip of that morning coffee, or the great phone chat you had with a friend last night. This thankfulness sets the tone for the rest of your prayer.
TAKEAWAY: By thanking God for things in the beginning of our prayers, we give Him the praise He deserves, and set the stage for rest of our prayer.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ - BEST SELLER
Do you find that you can go for days or weeks, letting life happen to you? What you intend to attract often shows up in the most unexpected ways. Setting daily intentions helps you be more in tune with your world and God’s plan for you.
The Faith 365 Bucket Journal gives you a place to have a daily TALK with God through prayer and record your impressions before and after.
Not only will this Bucket Journal be a record of one year of hopes, dreams, struggles, and blessings, but it will also give you insight into how God works in your life through prayer.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ - BEST SELLER
Do you find that you can go for days or weeks, letting life happen to you? What you intend to attract often shows up in the most unexpected ways. Setting daily intentions helps you be more in tune with your world and God’s plan for you.
The Faith 365 Bucket Journal gives you a place to have a daily TALK with God through prayer and record your impressions before and after.
Not only will this Bucket Journal be a record of one year of hopes, dreams, struggles, and blessings, but it will also give you insight into how God works in your life through prayer.
The "A". in the T.A.L.K. prayer framework is for "ASK."
Now that you’ve started your prayer by thanking God for positives in your life, you can confidently ASK Him for three things:
Help with specific challenges we are facing.
To bless specific people.
In terms of forgiveness, this is something we need to ask of God daily. Forgiveness for thoughts that God would not find pleasing, forgiveness for words we know we shouldn’t have used, and forgiveness for deeds we’ve done, when deep down we knew better.
1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
As far as your challenges for the day, we recommend you choose 1-2 things you need God’s help with, and petition Him to guide you. For the most impact, try to ask for help with a challenge specific to the current day and situation. Maybe it’s asking to do well on a presentation. Or to help you make a tough phone call. Perhaps it’s asking for the safety of a loved one who’s traveling. Whatever it is, now is the time to bring it to God.
John 14:13-14 - And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
TAKEAWAY: After you’ve taken time to thank God for current blessings and situations in your life, ASK Him for forgiveness and for assistance and guidance with current situations in your life.
DID YOU KNOW: Our best-selling Faith 365 Bucket Journal is available on Amazon and makes it easy for you to have your daily TALK with God, by giving you a space to write your prayers and petitions each day.
The “L” in the T.A.L.K prayer framework is For "LET GO AND LET GOD."
You’ve started your prayer by thanking God. Then you’ve asked Him for forgiveness and for help throughout your day. Now it’s time to let God take over.
Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
As humans, we can only do so much. Ultimately, things are in God’s hands and as Christians, we have to accept that. The ultimate form of that acceptance is acknowledging in your prayer that you aren’t in control and that God is! This is powerful and also very comforting. We can leave our petitions at God’s footsteps, knowing He will take care of them however He sees fit. We don’t have to worry. We don’t have to have fear. We can LET GO and LET GOD.
TAKEAWAY: Once we’ve asked God for help, we need to relinquish control and allow Him to take over. This is a very peaceful feeling, as we know our fate is now in our Creator’s hands.
Like what you're reading? We encourage you to explore our Faith 365 Bucket Journal on Amazon. Check out what our customers are saying!
The “K” in the T.A.L.K prayer framework is for "Keep Communicating With God."
The final piece of the TALK prayer framework is arguably the most important. We’ve thanked God. We’ve asked him for forgiveness, for help, and for blessings. And we’ve relinquished control, letting GOD be in full control. But if you don’t keep communicating with God throughout the day, you’ll miss his blessings and his answers to your prayers!
Matthew 7:7–8 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you: For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.
Communicating with God throughout your day is simple, and has nothing to do with actual talking! You can do this by looking for blessings, big and small… and recognizing opportunities to help others. Most people don’t take the time to pay attention to their everyday blessings. They are too distracted with life, and miss God’s footprints on their day. The birds chirping in the morning, the beautiful sunset, the friend who called out of the blue, the client who finally emailed you back.
These are not coincidences! When you notice God’s blessings in your life, you’ll start noticing your prayers may be answered in ways you didn’t expect. And when you go through your day helping others, you might just find that these good deeds help YOU just as much as other people.
TAKEAWAY: Praying is not enough. We must keep communicating with God throughout the day. By doing this, we will notice and appreciate His blessings, help others, and find answers to our prayers.
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ - BEST SELLER
Do you find that you can go for days or weeks, letting life happen to you? What you intend to attract often shows up in the most unexpected ways. Setting daily intentions helps you be more in tune with your world and God’s plan for you.
The Faith 365 Bucket Journal gives you a place to have a daily TALK with God through prayer and record your impressions before and after.
Not only will this Bucket Journal be a record of one year of hopes, dreams, struggles, and blessings, but it will also give you insight into how God works in your life through prayer.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ - BEST SELLER
Do you find that you can go for days or weeks, letting life happen to you? What you intend to attract often shows up in the most unexpected ways. Setting daily intentions helps you be more in tune with your world and God’s plan for you.
The Faith 365 Bucket Journal gives you a place to have a daily TALK with God through prayer and record your impressions before and after.
Not only will this Bucket Journal be a record of one year of hopes, dreams, struggles, and blessings, but it will also give you insight into how God works in your life through prayer.