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Faith 365 Bucket Journal - Choose Your Version

Faith 365 Bucket Journal - Choose Your Version

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The Faith 365 Bucket Journal gives you a place to have a daily TALK with God through prayer and record your impressions before and after.  TALK stands for thankfulness, ask, let go, and keeping God in your day.

How to Use Your Faith 365 Bucket Journal

  • The daily pages are not dated so you can start your Faith 365 Bucket Journal at any time.
  • Identify three things you are Thankful for each day. Expressing gratitude to God is an integral part of prayer. Mention these blessings in your prayer as you speak with God.
  • We are commanded to Ask with sincerity of heart; blessings will come to us when we ask in faith (James 1:5)
    • We may need to ask for forgiveness for ourselves and also ask for our daily needs.
    • We may need to ask God to help with a specific challenge today.
    • There are people we want to remember in our prayers.
  • Use this space to note your worries and things that may be bothering you; that you can’t control. When you Let go and let God handle it, you can find peace.
  • After your prayers, Keep God top of mind throughout the day and keep communicating with God throughout the day. You can do this by looking for blessings, big and small, and recognizing opportunities to help others. 
  • We’ve provided 365 daily NIV Bible scripture references to inspire your faith, encourage your service, and give you comfort in trials.

Do you find that you can go for days or weeks, letting life happen to you? What you intend to attract often shows up in the most unexpected ways. Setting daily intentions helps you be more in tune with your world and God’s plan for you.

Not only will this bucket journal be a record of one year of hopes, dreams, struggles, and blessings, but it will also give you insight into how God works in your life through prayer.  

There are other Journals in this series!

Faith 365 Bucket Journal - Teen Edition

Faith 365 Bucket Journal for Kids

Journal size: 7x10 inches

Delivered as: spiral-bound journal

Page count: 368

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